Saturday, December 1, 2012

Maybe Charlie Brown was on to something.....

So, the Estey bunch went up the mountain today to cut down our very own fresh Christmas tree..... We finally pulled off the road in an area loaded with trees to choose from, barely any snow on the ground, but of course everyone in the family thinks they see the 'perfect' tree at the bottom of the ravine (not a huge steep one, it's ok) so, down the hill we go.... and off in 11 different directions with our explorations. Then I saw it. The tree we HAD to have.... except I had to cross a small stream to get to it. No big deal, lots of rocks and ice.... no problem, except the big nice flat rock I stepped on was apparently teetering on a smaller rock under it and in the stream I went, well, one leg a hand and the other foot. Ok, I think, I'm fine, we will get the tree quick and get home quick. I took off my soaking wet gloves and gave them to a panicked Dessa who though I might wash away or die I think. Then I finished crossing the stream, got to the 'perfect tree' and up close it isn't nearly so perfect.... but that was ok, because there was a really good one I hadn't noticed. The family gathered (from across the stream) and agreed that it was a good one. Kaleb, Nathan, and Frank joined me and we proceded to use 2 hand saws to saw down our tree (yes, I am counting that as PT for the day!) Tree comes down, we get it across the stream with no problems but coming up the other side helping to carry the tree, guess who finds the one area of swamp anywhere near??? Yep, that was me.... up above my already frozen foot to my ankle in icy mud! Then came the hill..... remember, the ravine that wasn't so big??? Well, when you are trying to carry the sharpest needled tree in the forrest up a steep incline suddenly that little hill became ENORMOUS! So, there is Kaleb pushing the trunk up the hill, Frank and I standing on the road pulling the tree up the hill...... whew, that was hard work! So we loaded the tree in the truck and headed down the canyon, the heat blowing on my icy feet so hot that everyone else had to role the windows down...... feel the burn! Yep, I know why wilderness survival people tell you first thing is to get the wet stuff off first hand. Hours later and my feet are STILL cold..... but I do have feeling and no frostbite, so I am thankful for small favors from God! Lesson learned today? The little wimpy 'Charlie Brown' trees standing right on the edge of the road might not be such a bad idea next year...... Tinsel and garland were invented for that right? To cover up all the bare spots of a Christmas tree with character? Yep, next year we are going for unique originality.... it will create character for our tree and give us more of a decorating challenge right???? I love our family adventures! We never ever have a dull moment!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Temper tantrums and rainbows

This post is just for me, mostly..... because I was having such a rotten morning I felt like I needed to 'vent' and get it out of my system so I can move on with my day.....

So, here it is, my day so far...

~woke up late, didn't get my shower or help with shaving or hair washing [-]
~great session of PT. Was told I am doing well, but reminded not to move my arm, and it didn't hurt (much) [+]
~it snowed and I am freezing! [-]
~was told by the therapist this morning that I was lying about being the mother of 9 because I didn't look older than mid-late 20's. [+]
~my furry babies come in to cuddle with me out of the cold [+]

~Realizing that my poor Hazel is looking as skeletal skinny as ever.... she was wormed and is being followed by a vet... anyone know how to put weight on a growing great dane??? [-]

~Screaming 3 year old throws a temper tantrum fit because he has to get on the bus to school [-]
~said child throws another fit because I take him off the bus after dragging him out from under the bus seats where he was hiding [-]
~driving this sobbing 3 year old to preschool because he wants to go, then having to drag him out and carrying him into the building kicking and screaming [-]
~having 2 sweet girls ready to take care of mama by giving her a pillow and blanket and deciding to watch Shrek on Netflicks [+]
~by now my shoulder is really painful..... all that good stretching and working out at the therapist is now making it's mark.... [-]
~Having access to pain pills [+]
~getting a knock on my door from my sweet sister in law [+]
~ to tell me obviously my cell phone isn't working and I'm not answering the home phone (I would have had to run upstairs to get it, and I assumed if it was important, I would get a call on my cell..... WRONG.... never assume your cell phone is working, but miraculously quiet for once! [-]
~being informed that my husband who is driving our son to the orthodontist has been frantically trying to get in touch with me because he had a tire blow out on the way to there (an hour away) [-]
~realizing that if I am to go rescue my husband and son off the side of the road I am going to have to drag the above, temper tantrum inclined 3 year old out of school early [-]

~ BOTH of the vehicles in my driveway have empty gas tanks [-]
~I have about $3 if I scrape together all the money I have to put in gas [-]

~Finally speaking to my sweet hubby to find out they made it to the orthodonist (and on time too) [+]
~learning, much to my relief that my father in law has used his credit card over the phone to get my husband a new tire [+]
~Finally getting to take the above mentioned pain pills because I don't have to drive anywhere [+]

Yep, looking at that there sure are a lot of negatives there (especially for all this happening BEFORE 12:30 this afternoon), but really, they are all followed by a positive. So here I sit, watching Shrek with my girls, eating peanut butter wraps, feeling really greatful for all the positive, great things in my life. So, I suppose I am just saying that no matter how bad, or how negative something may seem, if you ride it out long enough the storm is always followed by a rainbow.....
and I chose to look for the rainbow. Besides, one of my most favorite smells in the world is the smell in the air after it rains!
Here's to counting the rest of the days positives and forgetting the least while the pain meds have me feeling good :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

shoulder surgery is the pits

Wow.... it's been a long time! Here I was all thinking I would be so dedicated to blogging.... well, lesson number 935 (or there about)... When you are a mother to 9 busy, involved kids, a great husband, and a part time nurse, keep my expectations low. So, my new goal??? I think I should shoot for about 1 post a month? I should be able to write a humorous story at least once a week, a crazy one daily, but like I said.... I want to keep my expectations for myself low right now. So, here I am an OCD procrastinator..... I will do it right, I will do it perfect, and I will do it later. I am off to be the 'supermom' of my dreams. Or maybe just pretend to be for tonight since it's been a long day and my shoulder is quite painful still from my shoulder surgery and rotator cuff repair of 2 weeks ago. Perhaps, I will let daddy be the perfect mother tonight as I take a valium for the muscle spasms and dream of my morning of physical therapy. But happy days are soon ahead.... certainly I will soon be able to wash my own hair and do something so simply taken for granted as shaving my arm pits.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

In our house, trust nothing brown

I know this is going to gross someone out but it was another 'life with Lisa' moment that was crying to be recorded for posterity. Well, just when I think I am going to log off and go to bed Delaney comes comes in my room to show me her dress for the dance at school tomorrow. She reaches out and swipes her finger on my bed. "What is that" she cried.... I burst into laughter. Apparently Ethan's diaper had a little leak this evening and he left a nice milk chocolate looking drop on Frank's side of the bed. "EWWW! I thought it was chocolate!" She tried explaining to me as she scrubbed her finger. My thought was... and you were wiping up a random spot of melted chocolate to do what? Have a taste???? Yes, I am laughing! In our house, trust nothing brown!

My first blog...... a brief overview of life.

Well, here is my first attempt at creating a blog to document my crazy life. So, I am the 37 year old mother of 10..... yes, 10 children, 7 biological, 3 adopted, 5 boys, 5 girls. So, how did I get so many kids? Kaleb Jaxon Jeffs came in January 1997. I was an unwed mother, 23 years old, and had just recently started working as a registered nurse. I met my and fell in love with my husband in 1998, he adopted Kaleb and we were married in 1999. On 9-9-1999 our beautiful daughter Delaney Collette was born. Shortly followed by another boy, Nathan William Walter in July of 2001. In February of 2003 my husband, Frank, was deployed as a member of the Utah Army National Guard to Baghdad, Iraq. While he was there I gave birth to our 4th child, Matthew Edwin Eli, on April 30th. He was born at 19 1/2 weeks and was stillborn. Nine months after Frank returned home from Iraq, in Feb. 2005, Kaytlin Elisabeth became the newest addition to our growing family. Up to this point in my life I had no difficulties getting pregnant. I practically thought about it and made it happen. But, it was at this point in my life that I was diagnosed with PCOD. Boy, did I have to work at baby number 6... temperature charting, medication... I really knew I wanted Kassidy Annette who finally graced us with her birth in September 2007. Ethan Robert Rian arrived in May 2009 after a tense and scary emergency c-section. I had already decided our family felt complete, but the c-section solidified this decision. I was afraid I was going to lose another child and then myself. I was content and happy with our family... Until we got the call from DCFS that changed everything. We had been licensed foster parents for a few years but hadn't really had any placements. In April 2010 we had a sibling group placed with us that was in danger of being split up. After several months with us it became clear that they were going to be with us forever. In March 2011 we finalized the adoption of Derrick Andrew Anthony (June 2002), Dessa Rene (January 2002) and Danika Avery (January 2008). So there you have it in a nutshell.... I am the mother of a 14, 12, 10, 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, and 2 year old. Am I nuts? Most definitely.... am I happy? Beyond words. I am learning every day, and adjusting constantly the busy schedules of a household of 11... with some dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, gerbils, and a chinchilla thrown in for good measure. Hey, just another day surviving life with Lisa :)